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immigrate to America without waiting for a random lottery

In this article we would like to share with you alternative ways that may help you immigrate to America without waiting for a random lottery

Immigration to America is a dream for many people because this country offers many opportunities for employment and a dignified life that guarantees the rights of individuals and help achieve success for every hardworking, creative and aspiring to change the standard of living.

But many who want to immigrate to America, are ignorant of the roads and reasons that lead them to this country without a random lottery held annually

The disadvantage of this lottery is that it takes a limited number of people and depends on luck only and nothing but luck, while those who have not been lucky, remain in their attempts for years and years to no avail

In this article we will brief you on alternative ways that may help you immigrate to America without waiting for a random lottery.

Or way is to migrate to America about

Way of marriage:

Of course it may seem difficult, but it is better to rely on luck, because the time you spend waiting for the draw and the results,

You may spend half or less searching for an American girl to get married, which is not impossible in the online world

Many young people have been associated with American girls through networking sites and the coronation of this marriage in the end, and then realized the dream of immigration to America.

All you have to do is be faithful, unwilling to manipulate the feelings of the partner and faithful in your pledges, and then some patience while your relationship is established.

Marriage to an American partner is one of the easiest ways to immigrate to America, as well as obtaining US citizenship faster We would like to point out that there are illegal ways for some people to immigrate to America through “marriage of interest” or “white marriage”. It is through parties that facilitate this method of marriage in exchange for the person wishing to emigrate to pay the amount of money to the supposed partner, through intermediaries, but this method is illegal and do not recommend it We suggest these articles that may help you find an American girl for marriage:

The second way is to immigrate to America through a contract of employment:
This method depends on the existence of a contract of employment from the United States, but this road has special conditions, such as being a person obtained a master's degree or equivalent at a minimum

And that the employer or the operator in the United States to express his desire to hire a person from outside the United States to him, and based on this desire to send the contract of employment for the person outside the United States.

Brains such as doctors, engineers, accountants, IT workers, and other professions that require certificates

The visa is granted for three years, and the visa is extended for another six years.

People who qualify for this immigration apply for a visa. The United States of America grants 85,000 visas every year,

Despite the number of visas

The most important of these measures is to find an American employer to work for him.

You can find work in this way by communicating with companies operating in America through their websites, and provide CVs that show the competencies of people wishing to immigrate to America.
The most important of these measures is to find an American employer to work for him.

The third way is to immigrate to America by obtaining a visa study:
This is a study visa, which is fairly easy if you can get an initial approval from an American university, college or institute
The initial approval is called the I-20 document and is indispensable for giving you a study visa, whereas if you get it, your visa is close to ninety-five percent.

“There is a near five percent chance that the embassy will refuse to give you a visa even if you have the initial university approval”

You can communicate with any online university and apply for that approval by registering to study in any discipline or study, even English or vocational training.

This visa remains valid until the end of the study or training period.

Or full-time throughout the summer vacations, and the holder was able to leave America and return to it in the case of long vacations or emergency events in the motherland

The disadvantages of that visa are that they are not eligible for US citizenship

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