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take a visite to Algeria the second large country

Algeria : 

Algeria is a great country for the richness of its history and culture that can be discovered by visiting the different Algerian towns. The Algerian population is very warm and hospitable.
Algeria also has important natural assets. A land with impressive contrasts. From the Numides to the Arab through the Phoenicians, Romans, Vandals and Byzantines, Algeria has always attracted desires.
Algeria tends to make you discover a long forgotten heritage
Officially known as the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria, this North African country is considered the second largest country on the entire African continent and the largest on the Mediterranean Sea. In the past, Algeria was a popular destination, but the civil war in 1992 affected the tourism industry. Tourism began to improve in small increments early in 2000.The Sahara region covered by Algerian territory became accessible to visitors. Independent travel have become unpopular since the threat of abductions in 2003.

Algeria Top Cities:

and there is also  lot of cities : like Tlemcen -Constantine-Bijaya-Ouargla

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